Step 4: Download this document

In this document you will find all the relevant information about the Filmmaker Challenge including the selection process, schedule and the 5 phases you will go through to become a Nomad Filmmaker.

Step 5: Homework

Five years ago, a friend sat me down and made me watch this Peter McKinnon video about chasing his bucket shot; little did I know this was about to change the course of my life.

It got me to buy my very first camera and embark on a long and exciting journey across the globe to become a Nomad Filmmaker.

Before our call, I would like you to watch it and write down with as many details as possible what your bucket shot would be.

Soon, you will travel to the most incredible destinations with the other participants of the Challenge with your camera in hand.

This will be a great moment to capture and share your bucket shot with the world.

Need inspiration?

After the Filmmaker Challenge, you will be invited to join the Content Creator Program and stay for free at the Selina hotels across the world to create travel videos. Taking a look at the destinations might help you come up with creative ideas for your bucket shot.